Innovation Essay


In The Interactive Arts & Science (IASC 1F01) course, we were assigned an essay to do on a famous innovator. We would have to touch on what and how they have innovated. At first, I googled famous innovators and one of the first people that showed up was Alexander Graham Bell. I wrote the entire essay on him. When reading over my essay, I could not ignore how incredibly boring it was. Alexander Graham Bell was an amazing innovator and scientist but I could not relate to him or his work. In a very brash decision, I deleted my entire essay and started over. I ended up doing it on Björk, the famous Icelandic pop star. She is someone I grew up admiring and someone I already knew a fair amount about prior to the essay. In that case, the essay was enjoyable and easy to write. I connected her work with what we were learning in our course about innovators. When I received my grade back for this assignment, I was pleased to see that I got an 85% on it. This is a great example of how taking a risk may result in a better outcome. If I played it safe and kept my essay on Alexander Grahame Bell, I do not believe I would have gotten a high mark on the assignment. I am going to work harder on truly applying myself in my work by putting my creativity and heart in the assignments. By doing this, it will feel like I am not just spitting out essays without meaning. If I apply myself, I am more likely to feel proud of my work at the end. With this assignment, I was very proud of myself.

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